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SRT High-Performance Cars

With the SRT (Super Racing Turbo), the crew at AFX improved the older Turbo car so much it's now close to being competitive with the Mega-G, AFX's best performance car out-of-the-box. The standard Turbo traction magnet has been replaced with a much more powerful Neo version. Other nice touches include taller gearing, longer contact pickup shoes, and tighter tolerance wheels and tires. AFX Turbo bodies and parts fit the SRT car as well. SRT cars run on all H.O. slot car tracks.
Before placing an order we suggest you confirm the car you're interested in purchasing are currently in stock.

Part # Description Price


- AFX Ford T-Bird #95 Van-K (white/blue/red) $22.38
9490 - Boulevard PT Cruiser (root beer) $22.38
9491 - Woody PT Cruiser (silver/woodgrain) $22.38
9492 - Yellow Flame PT Cruiser (yellow with flames) $22.38
9493 - Blue Flame PT Cruiser (blue with flames) $22.38
9888 - SRT (Super Racing Turbo) Rolling Chassis (wide) $19.15
8996 - SRT Tune-up Kits $ 7.25

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